The best way to engage your readers is
with an interactive digital newsletter. Simplebooklet turns your newsletter into a memorable digital
experience, across social media, in email, on your site, and all from its very own branded weblink.
So much better than sharing a PDF.
This is why most people fall back to emailing out a PDF attachment (the same file you send to the printer to create the offline version of your newsletter). Or add a link to download the PDF newsletter from their website. These are both terrible solutions.
This hardly makes someone want to read your newsletter. It shows you don't really expect your audience to read the content, you just wanted to hit a distribution metric.
It doesn't have to be this way.
PDFs are large files and can be difficult to send as email attachments or download.
No one likes to open an attachment in an email or a download for fear of a virus
PDF viewers display your pages in a flat, generic, boring presentation